
Sometime I forget.

I forget that if it weren’t for this

I wouldn’t have had this…

Or this…

With them…

I forget that if it were not for Brighten A Corner I would never have gotten the privilege of friendship with the Tippitt family. We have shared laughs and tears; triumphs and tragedies.

I did not know them before we began serving together. It is difficult to imagine the ministry without them…but it is impossible to imagine life without them.

My middle daughter genuinely loves their girls. The trips we took to Shasta together are her favorite vacations of all time. They are trusted and precious friends. If she had never called to offer to help with the ministry, that friendship may never have happened.

I think of another volunteer who is serving as a missionary in Africa. While she is serving overseas, her home is being cared for by another couple…making it simpler for her to be gone because she knows her home is in good hands. They met painting walls at a ministry project. 

For a task oriented person like me, the forging of relationships is a testimony to God’s work in my life. Because of this ministry I genuinely love more people than I ever would without it…and I get the blessed opportunity to be genuinely loving to more people than I would ever make time or space in life for without it. I am continuously grateful that serving HIM makes my life and my heart bigger, because of the people that He brought into my life in the process.

Stepping out in faith to serve can bring more to life than ever expected…