From the Inside Out

Seeing God bigger…

coffee-cupsmCan we chat? For a moment, let’s pretend we were face to face, drinking coffee with way too much flavored creamer, sitting in comfy chairs next to a table overflowing with books and Bibles and study guides and notes on tattered paper. If we were there, I would take a deep breath, look you right in the eye and say gently, “God wants to change your life.” Then I would tell you how deeply I believe that unless you really, really understand (and own for yourself) that He changes lives from the inside out, you may always struggle more than you want to.

Transformation is what Brighten A Corner is REALLY about. We believe that serving God helps you see Him bigger, more practically, and more purposefully. We consider service to be a vital part of God working in YOU, and us.

I am humbled and awe-struck by the work God has been gracious enough to do in me over the years. The perspectives He has changed, the deep breathes He has encouraged, the wisdom He has bestowed, the grace He gives over and over and over again in all those areas I just can’t seem to get right.

Sitting together, I would show you the Bible verse that overwhelmingly convicted me to begin a journey to deal with my anger issues. I would share the books that helped along the way. I would give you copies of the Bible Study notes from when I learned or taught and shifted subtly to begin a new direction.

As an alternative to coffee together, we have put together our favorite resources. It is our humble and fervent prayer that these books, studies, web sites help you on the INSIDE, so that the outside of your life looks and feels like the you God wants you to be.




  • Take Responsibility for Your Life, Because No One Else Will;by Andy Stanley
  • Guardrails by Andy Stanley
  • Your Move by Andy Stanley. LOVE the DVD’s, not as big a fan of the workbooks.
  • Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby. Simply put, without this study,     there would be no Brighten A Corner Ministry.
  • Peacemakers by Ken Sandee. If you have no conflict in your life, this is not the study for you. The very best resource I have come across to understand and deal with idolatry in today’s world.
  • The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst. Ladies, if you are unfamiliar with Lysa, let me introduce you. She is the president of Proverbs 31 Ministries and is a wonderfully down to earth woman who is chasing the heart of God with everything she has. Every penny she receives from this study and book are going to some amazing ministries around the world.
  • Unglued by Lysa Terkeurst.
  • Undaunted by Christine Caine. I have not done this yet, but I saw her speak this summer and she is amazing. She and her husband helped create A 21 Ministry to abolish human trafficking in the 21st century. She is a powerhouse.


Let me say I read a lot. I read a lot of different books. Not all of them are Christian, but each of them God used to change me and change my life.

Half the Sky by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. They are not Christians and come across as borderline contemptuous towards faith in brief moments. Get over that. You will not be the same after reading this book. It is a thorough, compelling, sometimes desperate, sometimes hopeful documentary of the horrific plight of women around the world.

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown. Brene is a shame and vulnerability researcher who used her research to formulate what she calls a “Wholehearted Life”. This book is phenomenal. I should get paid for how many I have given away.

Peacemaker by Ken Sandee. Sticky notes and a highlighter will be needed. Conflict reeks havoc in our lives and churches, start a process to learn how to deal with it in a more godly, effective way. We are called to be peace makers, not peace keepers in this life.