Back To Work!

We are about to begin!

It has been a while, but tomorrow we start again. Ready to help another family escape the stresses of overwhelmed-ness; ready to put people back to work focusing on something other than their own daily burdens; ready to show those in the body of Christ that together we can do more than we can do alone; ready to show a watching world that there are Christians out there who do more than just talk.

Each project brings with it new challenges to face. Can we do a CLEAN SWEEP with more efficiency and effectiveness than we have in the past? Can we respect the (huge) limitations of our budget and still create beauty? Can we finish on time? Can we show who God is more clearly to the family we are serving, the servants doing the work, and the people watching as the madness ensues? Every challenge we face and every unknown we will encounter is lifted to God who knows all, and who–we are certain–has us in the palm of HIS hand.

It is never far from our hearts that the ministry was created for the people who serve in it. These next few days are supposed to serve as a reminder that what will be done in this home God wants to do in our
hearts; get rid of clutter, purge the desire for excess, create beauty out of chaos. And so who this family is, what their story is about, the differences we hope to achieve–while incredibly important–can be a distraction. Somewhere in this journey God has a message for each of us; an area of our own lives or our own hearts that he wants to work on, if we let HIM.

That is our prayer for you. Will you join us? We would LOVE to serve along side of you…