Team Phinneus Project

PhinneusThis is Phinneus.

And this is Phinneus’ mom.

They are in the miraculous second year of treatment for Stage 4 PNET Cancer. Typing those words fills my eyes with tears.

The McKenna family is doing everything they can to fight, and everything they can to make life count. Team Phinneus has raised money for other cancer patients and community events to support people in the heat of battle.

But their life is not easy. Many treatments and therapies are not covered by insurance, and the time required to survive demands attention that can no longer be given elsewhere. Life is a series of deep breaths and faith.

Phinneus would love to have a backyard that he can heal and get stronger in. Can we do that? Of course.

Read more about Phinneus’ story here…

Join us July 30th through August 2nd as we transform the backyard of the McKenna home. Address is:  322 Ledo Ct., Arroyo Grande.

If we were not in the midst of a terrible drought this would be a much simpler, less expensive project. But we are. So we need to raise money and set aside several days as we learn HOW to install artificial grass and brainstorm for creative ways to make this area be a place of joy for Phinn, his 4 & 5 year old sisters, his parents, and the many other family members who live in the area.

As always we need financial support, volunteers, and food.

Will you help?

We are excited to get back to work and look forward to seeing you all soon!

Sign up here now!

We rely on our volunteers to show up for their shift. If you can’t make it please email us at [email protected]. Thank you!
Address is:  322 Ledo Ct., Arroyo Grande

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