
How are the projects funded?

Here is our giving strategy:

  • To establish a foundation of people who give monthly and/or volunteer.
  • To build a team of people who give to finance specific projects.
  • To partner with local churches for financial and volunteer base support.
  • To organize excellent fund raising and promotional events annually.
  • To seek grants and corporate sponsorships.

Won’t you help?

If you are looking for a worthy charity to donate to, please consider us. We are an IRS approved 501 3(c) non-profit organization, allowing all donations to the ministry to be tax deductible. Tax ID # 90-0882506.

We need Monthly Partners.

In many ways, Brighten A Corner has been built by the Widow’s Mite. Our ministry capability would radically change if we had a team of monthly supporters; $25 or $50 each month given by a growing team of supporters would give us a solid foundation to start each project. Would you consider becoming a monthly partner?

Please make checks to BRIGHTEN A CORNER Ministry, and mail to:
PO Box 636, Arroyo Grande, CA 93421

You can also simply use Paypal to donate now! Just click below.