A Fresh Start

Merry Christmas dear friends.

Christmas Collage

I hope yours were full of joy and peace.

I do love the NEW YEAR. It feels like a fresh start, and although the percentage of personal resolutions kept is frighteningly minuscule, I think it is healthy and helpful to look at life and renew efforts to grow and change. As always, the conversation in my head will include thoughts of exercise and organization, but it will also be filled with gratitude for all God has done.

Really, HE is so good.

In fact, sometimes he uses my weaknesses to bless me.

Recently I received a notice that the ministry needed to fill out proper paperwork to verify our corporate minutes. It was explained the proper paperwork needed to be filled out and submitted with a payment.

I lost the paperwork. Fortunately, I thought, I didn’t lose the envelope so I set it aside to look online for the rest of the information. Today, well in advance of the December 31st deadline, I sat down to scout out the proper information.

It turns out the whole thing was a scam.

Had I filled it out originally, without further investigation, I would have given away precious resources. Thank you, Lord, for sparing us!

It reminds me that there is no benefit in condemning the weaknesses I have. God is working on them, and, in the meanwhile, working through them. Remaining open to HIM is the most important thing I can do. Doesn’t that sound easy?

But living it out is another thing…

What are your desires for 2015?

I am committed to continuing  to nurture my girls’ education.

Homeschool Collage


And loving my (grown) son from afar…even though I wish he were closer.

I want to read great books and write more.

I want to laugh with my hubby until my sides ache and the tears flow.

I want to notice beautiful things.

BAC Clouds

BAC Bird

For Brighten A Corner, I want to expand the leadership team and invest in all of us to be more Godly leaders. I want to be able to be moved by stories and do something about it. I want to host a conference on the Central Coast that encourages people to put feet to their faith.

I want projects that are beautiful and compelling with a bit less stress than in the past.

I want to do what I can, when I can, to encourage YOU in your faith. I want us all to dream bigger and love more and know that GOD loves each of us more than we can ever imagine. I pray for each one of you a fresh start–in the very best of ways–in 2015.


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